
Are you ready to take the next step to get involved with our youth programs? Join CA.P^S Athletics, a 501(c)(3) company, in supporting our community! Any sponsorships and donations are greatly appreciated. As a non-profit organization, sponsorships are essential to the survival of our company and a means for us to provide positivity, mentorship, family, leadership, and more to our communities. Join us today to help support our mission and become a huge part of our success and journey!

Hall of Fame

$5000 and Above

Each Hall of Fame sponsor gets featured on our website and league banners. In addition, they will get their company name on the back of one team’s jersey in each of our four leagues. Lastly, Hall of Fame sponsors get a Jr NBA/WNBA gift bag with a ball and jersey of your favorite team.


$2500 to $4999

Each All-Star sponsor gets featured on our website and league banners. In addition, they will get their company name on the back of one team’s jersey in each of our four leagues.


$1000 to $2499

Each Starter sponsor gets featured on our website and on our league banners posted in each of our gyms.


$500 to $999

Rookie sponsors will be featured on our website.

CA.P^S appreciates your sponsorship!!

CA.P^S appreciates your sponsorship!! ⁎


10% of all proceeds go directly to Childhood Cancer research.

When Making Donation

Please email contact@capsathletics.org with the following information:

Amount of Donation

Name of Company/Your Name


Phone & Email


Donation “In Memory of/In Honor of”